Embody Space provides a unique blend of therapy and somatic practices designed to allow people a space to connect with their body and rediscover what is meaningful in their lives.


Meet the Director

Jasmin (she/her) is a registered mental health Occupational Therapist and Yoga teacher specialising in integrative psychotherapy.

Embody Space was born in 2021. Jasmin’s passion of incorporating sensory, somatic, and embodied-based approaches into the treatment of a range of mental health challenges is at the heart of Embody Space. Jasmin wanted to create a space where people of all backgrounds and life experiences feel welcomed and accepted. Embody Space provides a unique blend of both Eastern and Western traditions inviting people to experience wellness through the coming together of the mind, body, and soul.

What is embodiment?

The term embodiment refers to the idea of tuning in to one’s body by noticing internal sensations, experiences, and emotions. Life is experienced in a body, with a body, and through a body. For various reasons, we may find ourselves disconnecting from our bodies. We privilege our thoughts and minds, pushing aside how it feels to be who we are. We may find ourselves judging our body for how it looks and in doing so, become disembodied. Learning how to live as an embodied person, allows us to experience life in its entirety.


“Knowing oneself comes from attending with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within.”

- Dr Gabor Mate


Our Services:

  • Individual counselling and therapy

  • Specialised eating disorder therapy

  • Individual yoga therapy

  • Yoga for eating disorder recovery

  • Supervision and consultation

  • Training

  • Education sessions for families and those supporting people with an eating disorder

  • Body image workshops for schools, community groups and workplaces

  • Body affirming practice for yoga teachers and studios

WE work collaboratively to address various concerns such as:

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Eating disorders

  • Work stress

  • Pre/post natal challenges

  • Body image concerns

  • Self-esteem challenges

  • Navigating life changes

  • Chronic Pain

  • Adjusting to physical health diagnosis

  • Sexual health challenges


our approach:

Embody Space offers an unique blend of psychological approaches and somatic psychotherapy.

  • Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)

  • Eating Disorder therapies: (FBT, SSCM, CBT-E, TBT-S)

  • Somatic psychotherapy: this includes breath work, yoga, Havening practices and energetic alignment.

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Trauma-Informed Therapy: (EMDR)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

 At Embody Space we believe:

All bodies are deserving of care and support.

Disordered eating and eating disorders can affect anyone of any size, background, gender, race, religion or social status.

The mind and body are intrinsically linked and thus treatment needs to be inclusive of the whole person.

We practice from a Health at Every Size (HAES) and Non-Diet Approach.




Our Values

Connection: we believe in the importance of connection to self and others

Compassion: we embody compassion to self and others

Respect: We acknowledge respect: to self, our bodies and others.

Diversity: we recognise and value each individuals lived experience and uniqueness.


Our Vision

Our vision is to bring together body and mind therapies in the treatment of mental health disorders, allowing for an inclusive and integrative approach for each individual. At Embody Space we advocate for health at every size and oppose diet culture, promoting and empowering those around us to do the same.